New Member

Standing in for President Peter at last week’s meeting PP Roger Lescun inducted Stan Somers to our club with the classification of Hairdressing … Roger welcomed Stan to membership of Albury Hume. Stan was proposed by Howard Hinde … we look forward to working with Stan and meeting his wife, Sue, in due course.

President’s Message

I hope that you all enjoyed Friday evening’s Changeover Dinner as much as Alison and I.  Thanks again must go to Barry and Julie and Ian for arranging such an enlightening and enjoyable evening as it was so obvious a lot of work went into the evening so that it was a success. Also many thanks to Paul for doing such a great job as MC for the evening, and also to Peter Merkesteyn for that lovely cover design of John McDonald  re last year’s  Club Annual report, as well as report context … thankyou all. Whilst on the ‘thanks’ line, another thankyou to Steve for making sure the club stayed on course during his spell of temporary Presidency during John’s illness. Now is the time to keep looking forward, and get our new programs up and running, develop further into research re Howards ‘Tanzania’ project, and make sure we keep intact all our existing fundraising activities  A busy year for all of us.            President Peter

Club Meeting 27 June 2012

Jane Cartwright and Belinda Wells gave us background information on the operation and success of the many programmes conducted by PCYC. The variety of programmes include Boxing, Kidzcare, Zumba, Judo, Karate, Lifeball, Roller Derby, Driver Education and Midnight Basketball.   Jane’s and Belinda’s address  concluded with a couple of factual DVD’s.  As our members are aware, Albury Hume has been keenly involved with  Midnight  Basketball.


Jane and Belinda accepting a donation from the Club to PCYC

Club Meeting 20 June 2012

At short notice Dan Sawyer gave us an interesting thumb-nail sketch of his life … … born and raised in New Zealand … interests were rugby, rowing, kick boxing, marathon running and a desire to be a pilot. Joined Rotaract … father was a Rotarian … Dan was a member of a GSE team to Norway. Moved to Melbourne in 2001. In the area of employment has experience in Bean Bag salesmanship (!), property management, recruitment consulting, supporting New Zealanders living in Australia with  event organisation.   Interests are travelling, dance music. ‘Sensation Parties’. Now residing in Wodonga with partner Chiquita.

River of Stories

Plans well in hand 16 schools to be invited. – the brochures and entry forms are now being designed and then printed. I will then deliver to all schools and speak to the schools to give them encouragement to enter. I have engaged a top author to conduct the Workshops at the Albury Library Museum during the Albury Writing Festival and at Wodonga there will be two workshops during Youth Book Week to be held at the Wodonga library. I have decided to have the short story competition for years 7 to 10 as an open subject and poetry as well. Major sponsors are – The Commercial Club, Wodonga Council, Albury Council, Dymocks Book shop. However Hume Building Society have declined. For the first time in 10 years our club may have to contribute funds. This is the tenth year of the Rotary Club of Albury Hume Secondary School writing and poetry competition which started with 6 schools and 78 Entries now 16 schools and touching the lives of a 1000 students.  I thank my wonderful Club for their continued support.  Sadly I will be missing John McDonald as a final judge. He was unbelievable …  picture the judging panel dealing with the intense study of the entries … suddenly  loud laughter from deep within, shattering all concentration, as John would read out a part of a story which caught his humour … we would all then have a laugh … I will miss my treasured friend and our Rotarian.  Barry Young