Club Meeting 21 November 2012

President’s Message: What wonderful news from Howard regarding the go ahead for Kitende School project in Tanzania.It doesn’t seem all that long ago that Debra and family were giving us a club presentation about the school and its forlorn state, followed by another presentation by Sianga, a Massai Warrior – do you remember him Anne?-­‐ about how the tribe lives and survives etc. Now it’s all systems go for early 2013 start. Not only that but I understand that it is also a first ever international project for the Club. Wonderful news indeed.


Guest Speaker

Wise Choices for Life   began in 2009 in response to address one of the root causes of poverty in   developing countries  – excessively high fertility rates. Designed   to address core values and belief systems, Wise Choices for Life is an education program for both men   and women in the child bearing age group.  Firstly by   addressing their beliefs and world view, and then by teaching on reproductive   health the program  aims to provide the following outcomes for the young   people being trained: identify and reduce risky behaviour that leads to HIV transmission – develop   decision making skills – grow confidence to say ‘no’ which leads to self respect – challenge   the gender imbalance by changing values – understanding how the high average birth rate directly impacts resources and leads to poverty. Wise Choices for Life is a ministry set up to empower vulnerable Ugandan men and women in the child bearing age group with the knowledge and skills to break the poverty cycle. Targeting young adults first, the training in reproductive health challenges the world view of many that large families produce strength. Replacing this with children by choice not chance. Uganda has one of the highest fertility rates in Africa. Cultural myths and traditions as well as poor knowledge in reproductive health drives the poverty cycle. The high abortion   rate, gender inequality, high maternal mortality rate and excessive number of   orphans and abandoned babies are just some of the tragic results of a high fertility rate. Marg showeda short video which is used in Uganda and can be seen on their web site

Christmas Cakes

Christmas cakes. Over the past 10 years the club has donated a hamper at Easter to a group of people who do not have visitors. On Christmas day we also arrange for the people without family to have a small Christmas cake. As our members are very busy at Christmas, we arrange for them to be delivered with “Meals on Wheels”. We originally started making the cake at the Wodonga Middle school kitchen but over the last 4 year Barbara Haberfield has donated, with the help of Phyllis Hodge, her kitchen and expertise. We then have a night of “cheese and bikkies” to decorate the cakes. We find it is easier on the chefs if we donate money instead of food items.  The ladies are then able to buy the ingredients in bulk. So if you could dig into your pockets and help raise the funds for these cakes.

Club Meeting 7 November 2012

President’s Message: After Howard’s updated information last week, I hope that you share with Howard, Terry and myself the excitement that our International project is really coming to fruition.  As stated at the meeting, Howard and Terry have put a tremendous amount of  background work into this, and whilst not all of it has materialised as one would wish , other ways have been found and everything is looking ready to go. We are still looking for just TWO more Club Class Sponsors willing and able to donate $310 per annum for two years to the project and then we’re off and running. If you are able to donate then please advise Howard or myself.

Did you know we have a Pastry Master Chef within the Club?  No, then let me acquaint you with him. It’s none other than our Mr. Graham Fuller.  Last week I was at a meeting whereby Graham was making a presentation and was showing his audience how to make a Harvey Wallbanger cake. It was an excellent visual and practical presentation. It was certainly very ‘hands on’. Afterwards the invited audience tasted a ‘Wallbanger’ cake he had made earlier. It was excellent and certainly had a ‘kick’ in it.  Not too surprising considering some of the liqueurs it had in it, and certainly not to be eaten by a ‘L’ or ‘P’ plater to then drive home. If there is sufficient space the recipe will be shown later in the Bulletin.

Thanks to all those who worked on the inaugural Diabetes Type 1 fund raiser at Hovell Tree Park a few weeks ago. We raised approximately $438 for the day and will present to them in a few weeks time for them to put toward their cause.

On Sunday I attended the District AGM, and sat in for the first part of the PETS training which is where all next years President Elects’ attend. Listening to next years  DG Elect, Phil Clancey – yes yet another Clancey – and the new District Training Officer, former DG David Anderson, I believe that they will be trying to bring additional  ideas and even additional training for all clubs through the Asst. DG and Club Presidents. Certainly seems as though it might be exciting and a possible ‘wind of change’ in the air.

Kitende Pre-school, Tanzania

Kitende, located at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. They visited Kitende, which has a population of about 800, at the invitation of the Future Warriors Project (a charity registered in Queensland and Tanzania), to inspect the village preschool. The preschool was built 10 years ago and until 2009 the ongoing operations were funded by the village community. However, the long drought in East Africa led to loss of livestock and reduced the income of the village to the point where the community could not fund the preschool operations. The inspection indicated that the building was in a condition that could be relatively easily restored. The Massai children speak Massai – which is only verbal and not written. However, in Tanzania Primary and High Schools, the language is Kiswahili and unless the children are taught Kiswahili at an early age they have enormous difficulty with further education. Thus the project proposed is very straight forward – provide funding to restore and operate the village Preschool so as to provide basic language and other education for the children and thereby enable them to progress to Primary School and then to High School. Primary education is funded by the Government and the nearest Primary School is a 20-30 minute walk for the children. In addition the children will be provided with meals each day to help alleviate malnutrition.

The costs involved for this project are not high and involve –

–              Repair and renovate the preschool building of $4000

–              Annual Operating Costs of $12,300 for each of 2 years.

This will provide education and daily meals for 40 children and employ 2 teachers, 2 cooks,

a gardener and a security guard.

In addition the building will be utilized out of school hours as a Female Health Centre.

The funding of the Annual Operating costs are to be raised as follows –

–              Class Sponsorships at $310 which is the annual cost for a child. We are budgeting on obtaining  20 or more such individual sponsorships and in excess of 10 are already committed.

–              Rotary Clubs in District 9790  Assistant Governor areas of Group 8 and Group 9.

–              Our Rotary Club Board has agreed to provide $3000 each year

–              An application for a 2013 Rotary 9790 District Grant will be made in July 2013 and if successful will be utilized as part of the 2014 operating costs.

If we are successful in raising funding in excess of the required annual $12,300 this will be utilized to educate and sustain additional children as the preschool can accommodate up to 80 children.

Class Sponsorships

–              Local schools

–              Individual members of our Rotary Club. An extremely generous offer has been made by a     benefactor to match on a dollar for dollar basis the Class Contribution made by 10 of our club members for each of the two year period.  Three members have already offered to fund a Class Sponsorship and if another 7 members join we will have over 50% of the annual operating costs covered.