Last Friday evening approximately thirty three of members, partners and guests enjoyed a good evening of food and wine at La Maison in support of our club project of fundraising for the Baby and Parent Unit at Wodonga Hospital. The food was as usual really a delight to consume and Wendy Killeen matched the wines perfectly to the food as well as giving a short précis of the complexion of the wine in question. If it wasn’t for the fact of ‘drink driving’ and I was sitting next to Beth Skirton was also in attendance as a guest then I would have certainly had more than half a glass of Rutherglen Topaque ! What is so great about Wendy is that though her business commitments are really heavy with much inter -state travel, she always tries to do things for the advantage of our Club despite not always being able to come to actual Wednesday meetings. A strong vote of thanks must go to Vicki Gray and Gordon Shaw regarding all the arranging in making the evening a success. Whilst we await final figures, it is estimated that we made approximately $1000 toward the Baby and Parent Unit at Wodonga Hospital, and we have another fundraiser to come in the guise of a Trivial Pursuit Evening at Thurgoona on Valentines Day next year.
Club Meeting 16 October 2013
Guest Speaker – Current Area Governor of Toastmasters and fellow member of Albury Hume, Graham Fuller, gave us an insight into his experiences, challenges and enjoyment experiened since joining Toastmasters …he is now a member of three clubs in the region ! Graham gave us some idea of the many areas in which Toastmastes can be of assistance to the public speakers from an ‘icebreaker’speech to presenting impromptu speeches, keeping to time limits, evaluation and praise by fellow members. Graham then introduced Sue Honey from the ‘yet-to-be-chartered’Wodonga Club. Sue spoke of the benefits and skills attainable through involvement with Toastmasters in such areas as … Table topics Impronptu speeches
Interview skills Leadership Communication Two club meetings are held per month …dinner meetings on occasions …both Sue and Graham indicated anyone was welcome to attend a meeting at anytime.
River of Stories
What can I say but the work and the worry was worth it again –Now in its 11th year attended by 29 winning students, parents, school teachers and principals, border mail, our sponsors Commercial Club and Dymocks, Cr Alice Glachan, Cr Patricia Gould (her 11th year of attendance) and Greg Aplin M P who never misses. Thank you to Rotarians to –Julie on one leg, Gordon Shaw, Max and Leonie Blomeley, Dennis Hickey(who never misses) Peter Lee our President and a big thanks to Ian Harrison who took every photo of the winners etc and accompanied by Margaret. Thank you all for that support including all those sausage sizzles which go towards the prizes which I really value. We gave out 34 prizes –30 Dymock vouchers to the winners of their school prize, $200 to the winners of each section and 4 of $500 to the winning schools …the funds going to their library for the purchase of books or Hi-tech equipment.
Club Meeting 9 October 2013
Membership Services Officer of the Northside Chamber of Commerce, Carrick Gill-Vallance, was our guest speaker last week. Albury Northside Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit organisation and operates on a lean budget made possible by its members and Albury City, as the greatest financial supporter. Activities and events are always conducted on a self funded basis. Operations are carried out by three paid staff, overseen by a Board of Directors composed of volunteers. The Chamber meets monthly and is a valuable resource for the local business community. Last financial year it had 64 partners and 424 members with ten new businesses joining per month. The chamber has been rated as No.1 …the largest chamber in regional NSW …with representation on the NSW Business Chamber Regional Council Their initiatives include a Business Directory, ‘Business-afterHours’functions, Chamber Business Awards, held recently …also cross-border involvement with the Wodonga Chamber of Commerce.