President’s Message

AGM Justin is working busily away on the formation of his Board for next July, and as far as I have seen it is going to be a slight break away from our usual formats, and I think to our Clubs advantage, as it will also closely mirror the recommended changes from RI. I certainly will be voting for it when the time comes and hope you do as well when you’ve heard all of his ideas. Whilst next July seems a long way off, if Justin’s ideas are approved by club members, then the current Board will slowly implement them after Christmas so that Justin and his new Board hit the deck running.

Strategy Meeting update Gordon – yes, this really is a moustache – Shaw, will also be providing us on Wednesday with an update on the Strategic Planning program in which we have all had opportunity to express our thoughts and ideas at The Albion a few months ago. As I have stated publicly before, this is a great piece of work done by Gordon, Justin and Nicole. Again the Board will, where possible, and  it has been approved by you,  implement it in readiness for Justin and his Board to work to.

District Conference Shepparton 20-23 March 2014

It is pleasing to announce that 11 of our members plus their partners have made booking for accommodation at the Quest Shepparton for the 2014 District Conference.  If any other member would like to join the group they would be welcome. Ring Ron and he may be able to secure you a room. Many thanks to all that responded promptly, you will be rewarded by having a great time at the Conference. President Peter is sorting out a good venue in Shepparton for the Friday night dinner, and will advise when the booking has been made. 

President’s Message

This has certainly been a very full week for us members as  far as “Fellowship” is concerned. Last Wednesday evening approx. eleven members and / or partners attended the Regent Cinema to see the Premier screening of the film ‘ Backyard Ashes.  Very topically cricket related, but quite humorous all the  same. The Producer of the film advised us the majority of the film was filmed in a three week period from within his grandparents ‘backyard’  in Wagga Wagga and how the local Council contributed approximately  $150,000 toward the making of the film which was made on a budget of $300,000. Afterwards most of us finished up at a local restaurant for some refreshments. Last night, Sunday, we had our Casserole Evening at Ron and Barbara Haberfield’s residence, and approx. 25/30 persons attended, and had a feast of food to taste and eat. Some of the desserts looked delicious. So many thanks to Ron and Barbara for letting us use their lovely home for the supper, and being such lovely hosts; also to the ladies who  did the  washing up after  the meal so that us chaps could finish our ‘ putting Albury right conversations ‘etc.  A lovely evening was had by all.

Club Meeting 23 October 2013

Stephen O'Connell2Guest Speaker & Club Member, Stephen O’Connell. Sydney born and educated Stephen commenced his working life, following University, teaching music In Wollongong, farming in Goulburn and travelling extensively in the process. Stephen is a well known tenor and soprano saxophonist who has a broad background and training in classical music traditions and has specialized in the fields of jazz, blues, funk, rock and pop with extensive recording and live experience. He has toured, played and recorded with many well-known artists including Ross Wilson, Phil Manning (Chain), Eugene ‘Hideaway’ Bridges, Steve Arvey, Kamahl, Rolf Harris, Four Kinsmen, The Drifters, The Platters and JW Jones. Stephen had a long involvement with the highly regarded Sydney based blues band, “The Bellhops” playing with them since 1990 and winning three Chain Awards at the Australian Blues Music Festival. In 2008 and 2009, along with 14 visual artists, he travelled to Illara Rockhole in Central Australia in order to write new works related to the unique environment he encountered there. Stephen has composed many songs and other musical works over the years and is now focussed on creating a unique canon of Australian instrumental music. Stephen is currently the Director of the Murray Conservatorium and current President of NSW Regional Music Conservatoriums.A motorcycle accident slowed Stephen’s musical progress for a time, however, rehabilitation was greatly aided with the use of a chainsaw (presumably not for limb removal !) and he was soon ‘back-on-track’ achieving even more success. He has released two CD’s and in his spare time is an advocate for the advancement of regional music at all levels. In 2010 Stephen was appointed director of the Murray Conservatorium in Albury addressing many problems at the outset. Since then he has advanced the con’s involvement in the community, created partnerships with sponsors, adopted schools programmes, established workshops, introduced various concerts and projects involving many local participants.
The Conservatorium works to achieve goals in a strategic plan … The mission of Murray Conservatorium is to … 1. Provide quality music education – accessible to all, enriching lives and building communities 2. Provide a forum in which music from diverse cultures and of various genres might be sympathetically explored and effectively related to other art forms. To achieve this, Murray Conservatorium aims to … 3. Provide quality music education to people of all ages. Offer diverse music teaching programs to meet individual needs within the community. Nurture students’ personal development and self-esteem through the understanding and experience of music. Foster music making within the community. Provide performing opportunities for all students. Prepare students for music and speech and drama examinations,
and for tertiary music courses. Stephen is married to Carolyn and has two adult sons, Miles and Josh.