ROMAC Case Update from Pete Lee: 

Vo LinDah - ROMACIn last weeks edition of our Bulletin, I highlighted for you the type of work ROMAC is involved with. The weekend just gone, we have had a case which has now come to fruition, and perfectly highlights why ROMAC appreciates your club donations to help support these so unfortunate children. Vo Linh Da is a 12 year old Vietnamese girl who resides with her parents in South Vietnamese town on their South coast, and where her father is a ‘process worker’ and has to work ten hours from their home. LinhDa was born with a birthmark on her face which has grown into a vascular tumour and is reaching into her brain as well as seriously spreading into other parts of her facial features. In simple ‘laymans’ language, some of her blood vessels are growing at a much different rate to other parts of her body. Upon completion of the operation at Dandenong Hospital on Saturday , it is hoped that her eventual appearance will be one of a normal face and her brain functionality completely  restored. LinhDa has already been in Australia for a few months whilst leading teams of surgeons have been carrying out many types of tests on her. The operating teams for this ten to twelve hour operation will consist of five leading surgeons in their respective field of expertise, six anaesthetist’s, and a theatre staff of approximately twenty covering many different aspects of expertise. ALL these medical staff who volunteered to assist for the operation are providing their expertise on a ‘pro-bono- arrangement, which is truly a fantastic gesture. SBS/TV are so far the only TV outlet covering the story, and are hopeful of being allowed into the Theatre to film some of the operation for their News Bulletins and possibly a follow up story post operatively at a later date.       After the operation, LinhDa  will  have to undertake general dental surgery under anaesthetic.      I will keep you updated on her progress, and illustrate why we need ALL 9790 clubs support.

Kintenden Pre School, Tanzania

Kitenden Second Quarterly Report 2014:  As at 30 June 2014 there were 56 children enrolled in the preschool.

Teaching … 73 hours of Swahili were taught in the term This includes spoken Swahili, words and the alphabet. The total hours taught in the preschool since it reopened is now 610hours

Meals … Two nutritious meals are provided daily. 4,088 meals were provided during the term bringing the total since the preschool reopened to 26,204

Employment … 6 local people continue to be employed. The original head teacher, Jeniva,  left during the term and has been replaced by Miss Kitaya Rakatiya, who is a Maasai from a village near the Ngorongro Crater ( a major Game Reserve in Tanzania).

Future Planning … Future Warriors are planning a visitor Volunteer program, are establishing a new Website with an online sponsorship program and will be visiting the Village later this year to explore further direct involvement of the community.

We can all be very proud of the achievements under this program and the contribution our club and our sponsors are making to the reduction of poverty through childrens education.

Regards, Howard


AUGUST – MEMBERSHIP & EXTENSION MONTH . This Rotary month celebrates our own Membership and Extension. Will your Club celebrate by inducting any new members for the start of the new Rotary year? Contact the District Membership Committee for new ideas. Invite them to come and speak at a Club meeting. Plan your membership highlights for the Rotary year right now.

Club Meeting 23 July 2014

Howard JonesGuest Speaker, Howard Jones has become the ultimate “insider” since joining The Border Mail 32 years ago, from Wales. He moved to Albury in 1982, having emigrated to Australia with his wife, Hazel, and their sons, Philip and Robin. Their third son, Brendan, was born here. He joined The Border Mail with a rich history of experience in Wales where he had worked on several newspapers since 1963. His love of history and writing about it was born in his home country, where he wrote a history of his home town, Aberystwyth and co-authored a book on St Donat’s Castle. Howard has gone on to write 30 non-fiction books, including documenting the paper’s own history to celebrate the centenary of The Border Mail. Only last month, Howard was bestowed with Rotary’s highest honour — a Paul Harris Fellowship for his services to journalism and the preservation of our history.During her introduction at the Rotary dinner, The Border Mail’s editor, Di Thomas, said Howard’s contribution to the newspaper, his colleagues and to the wider community had been immense. His aim years ago was to produce one book a year. He thinks he is on his 33rd book — there are two or three not published, but he has virtually finished the history of the City of Albury RSL sub branch, a branch which commenced in 1918.  He presented some interesting facts and photos of commemorations in Albury following the end of WW 1 … Anzac marches didn’t commence in Albury until 1927. He has written more books than Peter Fitzsimons and even is a mentioned in one of his. Howard mentioned he would like to tackle fiction one day. Among the books he has written are commercial and family histories, one of which is about the Haberfield dynasty, grocers the Arnolds and WAW Credit Union. There have been photographic histories of Albury and Wodonga, the latter helping to raise $20,000 for Wodonga hospital. And there are books on the histories of Thurgoona and Baranduda that have led to street names being adopted of pioneers.

President’s Message

It was wonderful to see the contingent of Club members at the Albury Golf Club on Friday night. The night seemed to go well, or at least I have not received a phone call from Club staff about any wayward members! Thank you to Dennis H for organising the evening, and hopefully we can continue with these social evenings through the year. During the week I received Wendy Killeen’s resignation. Wendy has been a wonderful member of the Club, and someone whose company is very much enjoyed. As members would appreciate, attendance at Club meetings has been difficult for Wendy since her move to Rutherglen, and her resignation a consequence of this. Hopefully we will continue to see Wendy on occasion as a guest of the Club, and no doubt our members will continue to support the Fortifieds of Stanton & Killeen (I’ll certainly take a hit for the team).  On the plus side in terms of membership it has been lovely to have David Allen at Club lunches recently. David has relocated from Bright and is looking to transfer from the Rotary Club of Bright to our Club – welcome David. Members should be receiving an email from Nic with regards to this shortly.