As we get closer to Christmas and the New Year it is a good time to think about the year behind us, to reflect on what we have achieved as Rotarians and to set our direction for the future. One of my goals is to make coming to Rotary and participating in our projects a fun and rewarding experience. I want to give everyone a chance to grow as Rotarians. While I was thinking about what to put in this message I kept focussing on what makes a good Rotarian and I came across the following article: If you have a couple of spare minutes I think it is a good read and many of the historic messages with their spirit and intent are still relevant today.
December is Rotary Family Month
The Rotary Family – December This is a good opportunity to ensure that your club is well informed on the vast range of activities that all go to make up the organisation of Rotary International
Rotary Foundation
This year celebrates the centenary of The Rotary Foundation. As the chair of The District Rotary Foundation I am writing to each member to request that our District celebrates by making this year the best year ever in relation to contributions from members and clubs. When TRF commenced one hundred years ago; with the aim to do good in the world; very little happened, contributions were small and as a result little was done. When our founder Paul Harris died, as a mark of respect clubs made contributions to TRF in his honour and from there the goal of TRF was realised and we have been doing good in the world ever since. I am aware that all Rotarians give to one or more charities each year, as simply to be a member of Rotary means you care for your community and your “fellow man”. What I am asking this year is to make TRF your first choice of charity in honour of the centenary, as the clubs did when Paul Harris died, so we can boost the funds to wipe out Polio and set ourselves up for the next big project which I hope is the fight against Malaria. I am not asking you to neglect your special charities. Like each and every one of you I have a charity that I support; I am asking that you and your family and hopefully your extended family will make an effort to contribute to TRF this year to celebrate 100 years of doing good in the world. The mission of the Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty. I thank you in advance for your support.
Yours in Rotary Service … David Cooke PDG