promoting peace


Today, 42 million people are displaced by armed conflict or persecution. Through our partnerships with several leading universities, Rotary Peace Fellows develop the skills to strengthen peace efforts, train local leaders to prevent and mediate conflict, and support long-term peace building in areas affected by conflict. We provide up to 100 peace fellowships per year at Rotary Peace Centers.

Kitenden Pre School Update

Howard reported …..OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe third quarter report shows that there are 50 children enrolled – 25 boys and 25 girls. 44 are likely to graduate this year and attend Primary School in 2015. Since the Preschool reopened in 2013, 720 hours of the National language – Kiswahili – have been taught. 31700 meals have been provided to the children. Our Club Services team have recommended that we continue with our sponsorship of $3000 on an ongoing basis until the preschool is close to achieving community funding. We will be seeking Class Sponsorship support in a similar manner as the past two years. The new Future Warriors website is excellent and well worthwhile viewing. They are also seeking child sponsorships to support the funding program. Some months ago our Club applied for and was successful in obtaining a District Grant to support the funding of a new 50 sqm building now being constructed at the Kitenden Preschool. The building is to provide a new hygienic kitchen and visitor volunteer accommodation. It will cost about $8500 and will be funded partly by $3000 from the 2013 and 2014 operating surplus, the District Grant of $2700 and the balance from additional donations now being sought. Presentations are being made to other local Rotary Clubs. We should all be proud of the achievements of this International project thus far. The education provided and the nourishment of two meals each day has made a significant contribution and enhancement for the future of nearly 100 Maasai children

ROMAC Update

Whilst visiting some Melbourne Clubs last week telling them about the work ROMAC does on their behalf and thanking them for their donations I also gave an update on a 12 year old Vietnamese girl called Linh Da, who is currently undergoing very major surgery to cure a major facial disfigurement caused by a Vascular Tumour. I was requested to keep them updated, and though not in our actual District, I have pleasure in giving you the latest news which I received today. Linh Da has been much better this week as she slowly recovers from all the procedures she underwent in the first ten days of her operation/s. The fabulous staff at Monash Children’s  ICU have been gradually waking her up from her induced coma. Whilst she is dozy from her medications she is communicating with her mother and statf despite still being on a ventilator and unable to speak. The ICU medical staff think she maybe off the ventilator sometime this week and moved from ICU to a Medical ward at Monash Clayton. Where she is expected to stay for some weeks possibly months, whilst she recovers her strength before undergoing reconstruction surgery. District 9790 Clubs As previously advised, should you wish to hear more about the work of ROMAC then I would be more than willing to attend your Club meeting and talk to you.

Peter Lee Chair, District 9790 ROMAC


ROMAC Case Update from Pete Lee: 

Vo LinDah - ROMACIn last weeks edition of our Bulletin, I highlighted for you the type of work ROMAC is involved with. The weekend just gone, we have had a case which has now come to fruition, and perfectly highlights why ROMAC appreciates your club donations to help support these so unfortunate children. Vo Linh Da is a 12 year old Vietnamese girl who resides with her parents in South Vietnamese town on their South coast, and where her father is a ‘process worker’ and has to work ten hours from their home. LinhDa was born with a birthmark on her face which has grown into a vascular tumour and is reaching into her brain as well as seriously spreading into other parts of her facial features. In simple ‘laymans’ language, some of her blood vessels are growing at a much different rate to other parts of her body. Upon completion of the operation at Dandenong Hospital on Saturday , it is hoped that her eventual appearance will be one of a normal face and her brain functionality completely  restored. LinhDa has already been in Australia for a few months whilst leading teams of surgeons have been carrying out many types of tests on her. The operating teams for this ten to twelve hour operation will consist of five leading surgeons in their respective field of expertise, six anaesthetist’s, and a theatre staff of approximately twenty covering many different aspects of expertise. ALL these medical staff who volunteered to assist for the operation are providing their expertise on a ‘pro-bono- arrangement, which is truly a fantastic gesture. SBS/TV are so far the only TV outlet covering the story, and are hopeful of being allowed into the Theatre to film some of the operation for their News Bulletins and possibly a follow up story post operatively at a later date.       After the operation, LinhDa  will  have to undertake general dental surgery under anaesthetic.      I will keep you updated on her progress, and illustrate why we need ALL 9790 clubs support.