Easter Hampers

Albury Hume Cares At Easter “The Shut Ins” Project.

It was way back in the year 1998 that Barry Young saw a need for people who were confined to their home – mostly elderly, ill and many handicapped. These people hardly ever left their homes – there homes mostly in a run down state.

Barry put an idea to the board that the club arranges Easter Hampers to be delivered by members to 10 of these unfortunate people. The Board knocked back the idea so Barry went it alone.

He contacted Meals On Wheels who gave him 10 names and addresses who they considered most in need. Barry raided his cupboard for goods ie – tinned, packaged foods, sweets etc and purchased other goods including Easter Eggs and Hot Cross Buns. Derek Beveridge, Bill Stirling and Mick Beltram assisted Barry in delivering the hampers. Mick in his fire truck.! Such was the feedback from the Meals on Wheels and the recipients that the next year the club eagerly took the project on board.

Barry gave the project a name calling it “Albury-Hume Cares at Easter”. He referred to the recipients as “Shut Ins”. Barry appealed to the members to raid their cupboards for goods and such was the response that 10 hampers became 20 and the hamper baskets were supplied by Bill Stirling a director of Aware Industries.

The following years with cupboards bare Barry was given an allowance to purchase goods which he did searching for bargains mainly at Aldi which had just opened. Ian Harrison and then Peter Merk printed out brochures from Albury Hume Rotary Club which were placed in the hampers saying hello to the recipients.

Thus began a wonderful caring project which was extended to 30 hampers. Not only were the hampers appreciated by the recipients “ Shut Ins” but also the visit and a chat from members delivering such. They loved our visit and sharing our time with them.

Barry relinguished his role of Community Service Director to Julie who initiated a great move of every member be given an address to deliver the hampers. Thus every member was involved not just those who volunteered.

Barry gets great delight seeing the project still being enthusiastically addressed and knowing that there are 30 “Shut Ins” enjoying a bit of happiness in their lives and knowing others care like the Rotary Club of Albury Hume.