Below is Angela Larkin’s review of the RYLA Course she attended recently. Angela is also “paying it forward” by volunteering to assist with the RYPEN course in early 2017.

Hi, I’m Angela Larkin and I was your Albury Hume Rotary Club RYLA representative at the 2016 conference. The conference was very diverse and holistic, covering a wide range of topics including leadership, teamwork, goal-setting, conflict resolution, project management and public speaking. RYLA was extremely professional and impressive, the program has done Rotary extremely proud. I certainly urge you to continue supporting the conference in the coming years as it was an incredibly valuable and life changing experience for myself and the other RYLArians. I can honestly say RYLA has positively changed my life in a way that I never thought possible. Since completing RYLA, a number of doors have opened for me and I have been inspired to begin writing and speaking about my life experiences, and overall life happiness and success. The RYLA conference was a fantastic opportunity to challenge myself and learn an enormous amount about myself and others. I have made many great connections with other young people, connections I’m sure I will have for years to come.  I would like to say a huge thank you to the Rotary Club of Albury Hume for the opportunity to be your RYLA representative this year, I am looking forward to sharing my experience at one of your meetings in the New Year.