Passing on some soap for a shower is a simple gesture, but it means much more. It’s about the power of a new beginning, re-gaining self-esteem, honoring the basic human right to physical and mental well-being, and building foundations of trust and self-worth. “Essentials are highly appreciated and the first opportunity for many men to begin a new chapter of self- care” “It is truly comforting for them to have a warm shower and the basic toiletries that go with it.” Pinchapoo also seeks to help those who face temporary hardships.Pinchapoo is an organization started by one girl Kate Austin who wanted to help people after fires destroyed everything. She has now been going for 6 years and has wonderful organisations like Rota
ry who help distribute her care packs.We will meet the Pinchapoo team and Rotary Club of Preston at our conference in Shepparton in March