Guest Speaker, Graeme Sayer explained that after many years as a senior partner in a Sydney accounting practice, he became frustrated with the traditional accountancy emphasis on taxation and being able to offer only partial solutions to clients seeking a range of business advice. He resigned and joined a Melbourne based business advisory firm and moved to full time consultancy. As the company was the Australian joint venture partner to Jay Abraham, one of the leading marketers to SME’s on the West Coast of the US, he had several trips to the US and gained hands on experience with Jay and several other leading international marketing and sales experts. This unique business opportunity has provided him with an unusual insight into the critical interrelationship of marketing and accounting. He has consulted to a wide and diverse range of businesses and has also presented at a number of national conferences. He has been Chief Executive Officer since 2008 and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (FCA) and has been an active Rotarian for many years.