What can I say but the work and the worry was worth it again –Now in its 11th year attended by 29 winning students, parents, school teachers and principals, border mail, our sponsors Commercial Club and Dymocks, Cr Alice Glachan, Cr Patricia Gould (her 11th year of attendance) and Greg Aplin M P who never misses. Thank you to Rotarians to –Julie on one leg, Gordon Shaw, Max and Leonie Blomeley, Dennis Hickey(who never misses) Peter Lee our President and a big thanks to Ian Harrison who took every photo of the winners etc and accompanied by Margaret. Thank you all for that support including
all those sausage sizzles which go towards the prizes which I really value. We gave out 34 prizes –30 Dymock vouchers to the winners of their school prize, $200 to the winners of each section and 4 of $500 to the winning schools …the funds going to their library for the purchase of books or Hi-tech equipment.